Light of Jesus in the Dark Continent
while many important events were going through in the University on that day , huge, huge curiosity filled everyone’s mind about, who's the special guest is. David entered inside the Glasgow University Auditorium. When all their eyes were expecting leading artists and sports persons, David walked onto the stage like an old man.His gait seemed as though he had walked many thousand miles and his legs seemed to be very tired. His left hand was paralyzed and wavering. (the reason being a lion attacked him & his shoulder got dislocated). His face was filled with thousands of wrinkles. He looked very lean because of the prevailing fever in Africa. He was partially blind. (The impact is due to the tree branches which crashed him in the forest). His body was so slim that even the traces of bones were visible. In this condition he went up to the stage and started to render his speech. While all the college students were wondering, what he is going to speak?
David Livingston shared about his African missionary journey. In his days when all the students completed their studies in medicine and engaged to work in big hospitals for their fame and riches, he started his medical service in a place where no one had ever visited and neglected by men which is the dark continent, the smoky forest in Africa among the tribal people In these dense forests of the dark continent where no white people entered, he travelled 29,000 miles in his lifetime to tell about the true light of Jesus' love, and to proclaim about the eternal light to the people who lived in darkness. He lost his wife and his children. In spite of many obstacles he never became tired but proclaimed the love of Jesus and was finally planted as a grain of wheat in Africa. He shared the gospel to two million people and introduced Jesus to them, who were dominated by darkness and lightened their dark life. Today in many youngsters’ lives , darkness prevails in many areas.
Their days of sorrow will end when this true light of Jesus comes into their lives. They can also receive this true happiness and joy freely from Jesus. Like David Livingston you can also rise up and carry the light of Jesus into the dark life of many youngsters like you.
I will introduce Jesus to my friends ”!
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